About Us

 At Black + Moran, our goal is provide you with OSHA compliance training and evaluations that will help you maintain state and federal laws. With a combined 30 years of experience, we have the knowledge and capability to perform thorough compliance evaluations and provide the necessary training.

Linda Black’s previous involvement with Western Dental includes the planning and opening of over 80 dental offices. Knowing what it takes to successfully open an accredited and regulation compliant dental office helps us better understand our client’s needs.

Cheryl Moran’s management and leadership background, as well as her employee development skills, are what helps us customize our in-office training and evaluations. Each client’s training is tailored to their specific needs to provide the most comprehensive guidance.

For the last 13 years, we have successfully evaluated and trained 100 offices per year. We have also traveled to other states when necessary, providing each office with the training required per their state’s regulations. Furthermore, we have experience with compliance evaluations for oncology groups.

We look forward to meeting you and helping your office meet compliance regulations. Feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment or discuss your office’s needs.